Saturday, November 5, 2011

A good parent?

After almost a month off from seeing the kiddo, due to a vacation and him having other things going on during the weekends, i had the pleasure of having him this weekend, i would like to think im a good parent, he mentioned all week he couldn't wait to come over here friday afternoon and that made me feel special, knowing what he's been through in the last 5 years, his foster parents are doing a wonderful job knowing how young they are, but i do disagree on a lot of the things they buy for him and the music they let him listen too, he has a gigantic face diamond earing (he's 10) and talked about getting more piercings cause his friends wanted them too!...NO, he mentioned i had them as well, but i explained to him i made the right decision and waited till i was 18 to subject needles being poked through my skin for piercings, and waited till i was 29 or 30 to have my first tattoo and had to remind him he's 10 and needs to focus on being a kid and school, not what's trendy at the moment, it's tough for him knowing he doesn't have a mom, well...he does, she just signed her rights away. The court system has been very tough on me the last two years even though i didn't do anything wrong, but i'm glad to know i have a son who believes in me and loves me, if anyone wants the full story of what i'm talking about i'd be happy to share it at a different time, anyway's...this weekend has been filled with food i didn't need, little excercise and more food, although the kid brought over his entire halloween candy back, i didn't eat any of it, and so far i have not eaten any Halloween candy yet this year!....Another things about kids these days is video games, i don't get it, i like to play a few games here and there, but kids these days are addicted like crack, when i picked him up on Friday, almost the whole ride home was him talking about games and how he can get better at them if he just practices, my response was you'll do better at school and life if you practice at that 100%, i've been debating on and off the last month of just hiding the xbox, next time i will be doing that...or just get rid of it cause i don't use it unless it for netflix, so...i'd like to think im a good parent, and im still learing, i guess one is always learning to be a parent, it doesn't get easier...Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Being a parent is probably the hardest job in the world! You have to share that responsibility due to uncontrollable circumstances which makes things even harder!
    I have seen you intrract with your son and you are doing an awesome job. Kids are tough! Tattoos piercings, we all have those things that we wanted that drove our parents crazy. I would come home with new holes in my ears and mom & dad were not pleased. Video games are addictive. I have battled that MMO monster... And it calls to me.
    Hiding that xbox may not be a bad thing, afterall you only get weekend with him so perhaps you guys can pick something to do together. Paintball or ice skating or something?
    Congrats on the no candy! Keep up the good work. Remember small things add up!
